Electronic Dice Machine: Project B
The breadboard stripped down and ready for the next adventure. I was pretty disappointed with myself that I didn't get my Project A debugged before I had to take the breadboard apart for this week's assignment. Then I reread that first objective of the class is to "understand the driving forces behind the maker movement and the characteristics of a 'maker' with the goal of connecting making with your current practices." As an educator, that means play around with being a maker so you know how to enhance your campus with this movement cropping up everywhere. You also practice being the student complete with trials, errors, frustrations, fails, and triumphs. We need to remember what that feels like so we can connect better with our own students. So, I stripped the breadboard down to the main red and black wire and started planning the new build. The push button project from the book (project #5) is done with 2 push buttons. I...